Showing Tag: "foil coffee bags" (Show all posts)

Selecting the best coffee is also an ART

Posted by marionlara on Saturday, May 19, 2012, In : business 

Coffee is examined purely from its smell. More intense the smell better the coffee is expected to be. Most people drink coffee made from either instant coffee granules or 'freshly ground' coffee. Freshly roasted and ground coffee beans are becoming a common luxury favored by many. Many have gone into roasting and grinding their own coffee for maximum flavor. This can be expensive, though. Another option is to buy freshly roasted coffee-beans, have them ground, and then storing them.  Coffee ...

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Posted by marionlara on Monday, March 26, 2012, In : business 


Few days back, there was a headline that coffee is harmful for health but still people don’t stop taking it.  This is actually an incomplete statement.  It should be such that excess of coffee is intake is harmful.  Infect excess of anything is harmful so nothing new for the coffee.  People think that it may be something wrong with its packaging or any sort of contamination that actually makes it a harmful product for the people. 


Well, this is entirely wrong.  The coffee contains a d...

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